Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 7

So this week we still haven't done anything... its getting to a point where the slacking is becoming a habit. And that's bad. We need to start getting back on track and if we don't soon then our whole project will be no more. So far he only have a few scenes done and are ready to be edited but the other scenes we haven't taken. Its come to a point that we are going to have to go full throttle on this project and start filming more and more scenes to get caught up. Our teacher is getting kind of mad because we haven't been doing anything with the project. He is threatening to lower our grade if we don't start working again. I don't want to risk losing a letter grade and neither does my partner. The slacking HAS to STOP!

Week 6

This week we my partner Daniel and me haven't been doing any work what so ever. We decided to take a few days off from making our video. The reason why is because, since we have a whole year to finish our video, we're just going to take it slow and take our time on the video. We still need a bit more scenes to film and our video is done. its only going to be a few minutes possibly 3 or 2 minutes. And with all the time change and what not, it kind of harder to film because for a certain scene we need to film when the sun is in the middle of the sky. Hopefully we will get a chance to film the scene that we need so we can finish the movie faster, if we can stop slacking off.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 5

This week me and my partner are still in the making of the video. We still have lots too do. But we decided to start trying to out all the videos we have taken and out them together. Daniel has been working on it at home. I have been wanting to go to his house to help him out with the video but I haven't had time. I am planning to go to his house today after school to help him out with the video and to see what he has done with the video. I'm really excited for how this video is going to turn out. Wish us luck.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 3

 Today me and my partner went to go ask the girls golf coach to see if he would let us borrow a set of his golf clubs. Sadly he said no, so now we have to ask around and see who has some golf clubs. The reason why we need a set of golf clubs is because their is a part in our video that has one of us with the golf clubs and we make a little cheesy joke about the golf clubs. But now it will be, not really difficult but, somewhat difficult because we are going to have to go around and ask the people we know to see if they have golf clubs and it is going to waste our filming time. The good thing is that we have a whole school year to finish our video remake. I just hope that it will turn out good and people will like it and so me and my partner can get a good grade.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 2

I know that this is a little late but, its better late than never.
     So on wednesday the 2nd of October me and Daniel were just on the internet looking for some tips on video editing. We searched for other ways to cut and paste and combined one clip to another. Some of the ways we found to do that were kind of difficult and other were less complicated. But we found a neat way to do all that stuff and its much easier than other ways we have looked at. Next week we will either do another take of our film, find certain places to film or keep looking for other ways to film edit so we can make our video look good. We still need a lot more to do for this project. Hopefully it wont take to long. Untill next time.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 1

 This week me and my friend Daniel will start filming a section of our video that we are making for our 20 percent project. Our 20 percent project video is and inspirational video. It will be showing other people that it doesn't matter what race you are or ethnicity you are.And to NOT listen to other people and their rude comments they have towards you. Be happy for who you are and don't change yourself just to fit in. If people don't accept you for who you are then that's their loss. Now, the first skit we filmed was of me getting slapped by one of our "actors", Jeniffer. And... it kind of hurt when she slapped me. And hearing the comments from my friends and them laughing at the same time at me, my reaction, was pretty funny. We did 3 takes of me getting slapped, which wasn't pleasing for me but after seeing the video i also laughed at myself getting slapped in the face. And after we looked at the 3 takes, we decided on the 2nd take we took where it looked like i actually got slapped and my reaction looked the funniest. Now we wait until next week to film again.